2021 Balloon Launch
Last Reported Location: W8VPV-1 |
Latest Update: Click here |
Latest Map: Click here |
HAB Hub: Click here |
Quantity | Description | Cost | N8PZL | W8MV | N8NZZ |
1 | SkyTracker WSPR Kit | $173.00 | X | ||
1 | SBS-13 Balloon, 3’ W X 7.5’ L, 1 mil thick | $159.00 | X | ||
1 | Hydrogen gas provided by Dr. Dan Galehouse | $0.00 | X | ||
- | Running Total | $332.00 |
W8VPV-1 Updates:
Date |
Comment |
7/8/2019 |
The SBS-13 ballon was ordered and shipped from Scientific Balloon Solutions. |
3/15/2020 |
The SBS-13 ballon was pre-streach per instruction by Lee at Scientific Balloon Solutions. |
10/14/2020 |
SkyTracker-WSPR tracker order from Bill Brown (WB8ELK). Complete details can be found at WB8ELK Balloons. |
4/15/2021 |
Tethered balloon launch with SkyTracker-WSPR to check communication with WSPRNET.org. With 20-meter vertical dipole approximately 3 feet off ground 20 mW signal received in western France . |
05/14/2021 |
Balloon launch today (Monday) at approximately 8 AM due to weather. Balloon launched from Mel Vye's (W8MV) pontoon boat in complete calm. Balloon transmits data in balloon WSPR format. Data is decoded from Balloon WSPR format by Bill Brown from WSPRnet.org and reformatted to APRS format and posted to aprs.fi. Search for W8VPV-1 at aprs.fi to track balloon or click the Latest Update link above. |
05/15/2021 |
1 days since launch and over the Atlantic Ocean east of New England and south of Nova Scotia (New Scotland). |
05/16/2021 |
2 days since launch and over the Atlantic Ocean south of Greenland. W8VPV-1 is about 1/2 of the way to Europe. |
05/17/2021 |
3 days since launch and over Western Ireland near Dingle. W8VPV-1 has traversed the Atlatic Ocean for the first time. |
05/18/2021 |
4 days since launch and over North Sea. In slide 03 of the carousel there are some interesting features. aprs.fi draws a blue circle at the radio horizon and a green circle at 5° above the radio horizon. Also note while over the UK the balloon imposes radio silence while inside the UK geo-fence. The UK Ofcom rules do not allow the use of amatuer radio frequencies for high altitude balloons. |
05/25/2021 |
11 days since launch and near the North Pole and due north of Alaska. Since the last update the balloon traveled across the North Sea, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Russia, East Siberian Sea, International Date Line, and Bering Sea. The balloon can tracked over open water because the 20-meter WSPR signal bounces off the ionosphere and can bex received by land based receivers. |
06/01/2021 |
18 days since launch and over Lower Peninsula of Michigan and Only about 300 nautical miles from home (EN90fx). At about 2:30 PM EDT W8VPV-1 made its first circumnavigation of the globe. It only took approximately 440 hours. |
06/12/2021 |
29 days since launch and making a figure 8. After the first curcumnavitigation, the balloons strated across the Atlantic Ocean, when northwest over Greenland, did a small loop over Northern Baffin Bay. It is now north of Prince Edward Island. |
06/21/2021 |
38 days since launch and made second circumnavigation. At this time of year, it appears that it takes about 18 to 19 days to complete a circumnavigation independent of its path. |
07/07/2021 |
W8VPV-1 has now completed its third trip around the world. The last circumnavigation took 16 days. The balloon has now been in the air for 54 days. The average time to circumnavigate the globe is 18 days. Mel Vye, W8MV |
07/28/2021 |
W8VPV-1 has now completed its fourth trip around the world. The last circumnavigation took 21 days. The balloon has now been flying for 75 days. The average time to take a trip around the world is 18.75 days. Mel Vye, W8MV |
09/01/2021 |
W8VPV-1 has now completed its fifth trip around the world. The last circumnavigation took 35 days. The balloon has now been flying for 110 days. The average time to circumnavigate the globe is 22 days. Mel Vye, W8MV |
09/14/2021 |
W8VPV-1 has now completed its sixth trip around the world. The last circumnavigation took 13 days. The balloon has now been flying for 123 days. The average time to complete a trip around the world is 20.5 days. A screenshot of the last circumnavigation is available at Latest Map. Mel W8MV |
09/19/2021 |
Having not heard from W8VPV-1 for many days, we must assume that it met its demise. While crossing the Atlantic for the seventh time, it found itself in the vicinity of large storms. The most probable event is that it was unable to survive high winds. It was a good run - six times around the world and 125 days in the air. RIP Latest Map. Mel W8MV |